
The Royal Mint Museum’s reminiscence sessions are centred around a Museum in a Box, a small acrylic box which is fitted with a sensor and speaker. The box comes with a collection of objects, with a sticker attached to each which, when placed on the box, plays an audio file specific to that item. Each item explores a separate event or memory, and they can be experienced in any order or direction. For an engaging session designed to stimulate memories from throughout a lifetime, we recommend experiencing the objects in the order suggested on the instructions included with your box.

We are currently phasing in a generous donation of Panasonic Toughbooks as part of the boxes. If your box contains a Toughbook then you can access the additional video and interactive quiz content from the home screen once the tablet is turned on. We recommend using this additional content after you have experienced the box and its objects, but you can mix and match however suits your session!

Below you will find a video clip showing how to set up and use the Museum in a Box but if you have any further questions on how to get the most out of the box then please do get in touch at


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