Enillwyr 2021
Yn rhan o ddathlu Jiwbilî Platinwm y Frenhines, cynhaliodd Amgueddfa'r Bathdy Brenhinol gystadleuaeth stori fer a oedd ar agor i bob disgybl ysgol gynradd blwyddyn pump a chwech yn y Deyrnas Unedig.
Gofynnwyd i’r disgyblion ysgrifennu stori fer heb fod yn fwy na 500 o eiriau wedi'i hysbrydoli gan deyrnasiad maith y Frenhines a dathliadau'r jiwbilî.
Dewiswyd yr enillydd, y rhai nesaf at y gorau a’r straeon uchel eu canmoliaeth gan banel o feirniaid gwadd a darluniwyd y cais buddugol gan yr artist gwadd Sarah Edmonds. Cewch weld eu holl straeon gwych isod.
Spyder by Joshua Boholst
A secret and surprising guest attends the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
If the Queen’s Crown Could Talk by Emily
In its case at the Tower of London the St Edward's crown remembers the coronation.
A letter to my Lillibet by Yuvraj Waghela
On her Platinum Jubilee the Queen receives a mysterious letter.
The Queen's corgis by Isobel
Before the Queen's Jubilee her corgis must use their magical powers to defeat a villain and save the day.
Corgi kidnap by Harriet Hodges
The Queen's favourite corgi goes missing. Will she make it back home in time for the Jubilee?
Coronation memories by Ffion Fearne
Zara's grandmother remembers the day of the Queen's coronation in 1953.
The Queen's gift by Alice Patterson
When the Queen's corgis find out about the Jubilee they have an idea for the perfect present.
The Forgotten Princess by Isabelle Cooke
A ghostly presence walks through the crowd at the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
The Queen's Dalmatian's solid gold collar by Abigail De Los Rios
When a precious gold collar is stolen, the Queen must do everything in her power to get it back!