The Queen's Corgis
Wells Primary School, Ilford
The day before the Queen’s Jubilee, the corgis were in their corgi room practicing. Now, dear reader, you may be wondering what they were practicing. I will tell you. Magic. The Queen’s corgis were magical. Candy had the power of hypnotism and flight. Vulcan had supernatural powers and the speed of light.
They fought Revar who was an invisible man and wanted to capture the Queen but only Candy and Vulcan could see him.
Vulcan was a dark brown corgi with a hidden blonde lightning bolt streak in his fur. Candy was blonde with a hidden, nearly white cloud on the back deep within her fur. Revar still wanted the queen for he had not caught her yet and was still out in the world.
Now, the day before the Jubilee, the corgis were in their corgi room, (as said before). The corgi room had white walls, one of which was patterned with swirls and had a green carpet. There were many toys and Vulcan was in a great, yellow wheel in the corner, which was spinning so fast it looked like it would pop out!
The corgis were about to go to bed for the next day was a big day. The next day, the corgis got up early so that they could get groomed. Later that day, the corgis were groomed, fed and were wearing gold and blue bows and their ears had been sprinkled with glitter. Candy and Vulcan were about to step out onto the balcony when they saw someone, Revar!
Quickly, Candy hypnotised everyone including Revar and the Queen and dragged Revar into their massive corgi room. Candy and Vulcan knew that Revar could get out of hypnotism so they locked the door speedily.
Once Revar had awoken, Candy and Vulcan were ready. They had opened a secret room using their paw print and shoved Revar inside of it. The room was made of metal and the base was laid with dirt. Why you ask? You are about to find out.
Vulcan ran around Revar sending dirt flying in a kind of controlled whirl wind. This blinded Revar and Candy flew around the whirl wind helping it stay aloft whilst Vulcan made clicking noises with his snout.
Suddenly, birds came flying into the room through little holes that appeared in the walls. Many of the birds were birds of prey but a few were blue birds.
Anyway, the birds started to come and peck pieces of skin until, finally, Revar was dead.
Vulcan and Candy then went out onto the balcony and Candy awoke everyone and the exciting jubilee went on. Candy and Vulcan ate all they wanted and ran around the palace grounds as more and more guests entered the breath-taking garden.
Soon, they fell asleep, back in their corgi room listening to the sounds of fireworks, crowds and cheers. They knew that life would never be the same again for they had finally, after many attempts, defeated their enemy Revar and the Queen would now be safe.