
We have a winner!

Congratulations to 10-year-old Joshua Boholst from St Cecilia’s Catholic Primary School in Surrey for his story ‘Spyder’. Many people are afraid of spiders but the main character in Joshua's story captured the imagination of our judges. He has won a set of coins for himself and £5,000 worth of equipment and books for his school library.

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Photo credit Jane Cox Photography.

This year over 550 young people aged 9-11 took part in our creative writing competition which celebrated the Queen’s 70-year reign. In a special online event, guest judge and children’s author and illustrator Alex T. Smith read the winning story and praised the hundreds of entries which focused on the Platinum Jubilee through the eyes of children. This sentiment was echoed by fellow judges and the story’s illustrator, Sarah Edmonds. Check out Joshua's winning story and Sarah's beautiful illustrations below.

Four runner-up prizes of Platinum Jubilee commemorative coins and a set of books were awarded to Emily from Hamilton College, Motherwell; Yuvraj from Hendon Prep, London; Isobel from Wells Primary, Essex and Harriet Hodges from Baden-Powell & St Peter's Church of England Junior School, Dorset. A number of special commendation prizes of brilliant uncirculated coins were also awarded.

For more information or to register your interest in our competition for the next academic year see our frequently asked questions below or email


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Spyder by Joshua Boholst

Peering down from a chandelier, high up on a ceiling in Buckingham Palace, was a spider. His name was Spyder and he was seventy years old. Spyder had lived on this giant light his whole life because none of the maids could reach him with their dusters. Over his lifetime he’d seen many things, including all of the Queen’s reign.

The best thing about Spyder is that he knew lots of things that nobody else knew about the Queen. He knew what conditioner she wore, he even knew her Wi-Fi code! Even though Spyder knew so much, he was curious to find out more. He had spent 70 years on the world’s most sparkly light, but his life felt dull. All he wanted to do was party!

Today was the day for a change. Patiently, he waited for everybody to go to bed. Once the lights went out, Spyder spun a thread of silk down onto the Queen’s crown. As he was creeping down, a light came on and Spyder froze. He could hear footsteps. Slowly the Queen walked into the room and turned on the TV. He then could hear muffled munching. Is the Queen eating popcorn? Questioned Spyder.

Suddenly he was woken up by shouting and cheering. He’d woken up on the crown, but he was now on the Queen’s head and on the streets, partying! As he stood up on his eight unsteady sleepy legs, he realised what was happening.

He was at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee!

Every spider knew that no monarch had reigned for so long and he was the first spider to celebrate it. Spyder didn’t waste any time. Firstly, he climbed out of the crown, made sure nobody was looking and leapt to try and get on some party food!

With a soft landing, Spyder wasn’t hurt. Even though he was a spider, he loved cheese. Without thinking, he started gobbling down as much cheese as he coul. But with only a small mouth, he was there until the party was over. Out of nowhere, Spyder got a whiff of a familiar scent. It was the Queen’s conditioner. With his tummy full, he followed the smell and climbed back onto the Queen’s crown.

When back at the Palace, Spyder returned to his chandelier and with his remaining energy, he spun a web which read “Happy 70th Jubilee”. When the Queen spotted this she felt happy, even though she didn’t know who was responsible. Spyder was so happy that he’d been to a party that he knew he’d stay there for the rest of his life.

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